Welcome to Elysian Montessori School

Offering high-quality Montessori learning environments for children ages 1½ through 6 years.

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About Montessori Education

The Montessori method developed by Dr. Maria Montessori, is a child centered educational approach based on the scientific observations from birth to adulthood.

"How much fuller and richer life would be if we saw the child in all his greatness, all his beauty, instead of focusing on all his little mistakes?"

~ Maria Montessori

Our Mission

To provide an individualized learning environment based on the principles of Dr. Maria Montessori, that are designed to help children become independent, lifelong learners who are academically grounded and socially confident about their place in the world.

Why Elysian Montessori school?

Fostering individuality

Academics Alone Do Not Define Success

Our Montessori school is designed to foster a love of learning and to help children develop independence, individuality, creativity, and critical thinking skills.

Strong Academic Strength

Child-centered Learning with Developmentally Appropriate Materials

Our Montessori classrooms are designed to be child-friendly, with materials that are carefully chosen to meet the developmental needs of each individual child, helping them to learn kinesthetically and achieve greater confidence in their abilities.

We're a Community

Providing a Nurturing and Enriching Environment

By choosing our Montessori school, parents can provide their children with a supportive and engaging learning environment to help them thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.

Our Environment

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